American Canoe Association (ACA) Kayaking Classes
Course Description: The American Canoe Association (ACA) has one of the best established paddlesport instruction programs anywhere in the world. The courses are comprehensive, but allow enough flexibility for individual teaching and paddling styles. The main benefit to taking the course is improving your understanding of paddling technique and theory, so you can paddle more efficiently and teach more effectively. A secondary benefit is the development process which can give you structured feedback on becoming an effective instructor. A third benefit is the significant insurance, liability, and networking benefits of ACA certification. Instructor development workshops are very rewarding and enjoyable, because of the opportunity for idea exchange.
Level 4 Whitewater Kayak: This is a instructor development workshop and an instructor certification exam (IDW/ICE) for level 4 Whitewater. ACA courses are structured for several levels of certification for instance: Level 2 Essentials of River Paddling, Level 3 River Kayaking (formerly Moving Water), and L4 Whitewater. Our courses are targeted at instructors who expect to be teaching on whitewater. However, this is no guarantee that you will earn that level of certification. Not everyone will receive “Full” whitewater instructor certification, especially if this is their first exposure to formal paddling instruction. No worries! There are means for upgrading within about a year.
Click Here for Instructor Criteria for Level 4 Kayak Instructor>>>
Instructor Updates: Current ACA instructors may join the first two (and on approval last two) days of the class to fulfill every 4 year update requirements. (on space available basis).
Course Locations: TBD. Meetings will be held at various locations. Expect river temperatures of 45 to 55 degrees and air temps of 50 to 70 degrees (As always, be prepared for cold, rainy weather).
Prerequisite Skills: Class II-III paddling skills are required along with a solid river roll. Bring a boat you will use for teaching. (Generally a creek or river running boat is best).
Pre-course Assignment: Important: Join ACA online ($40 for ACA individual membership and $25 for Instructor Membership of Safety Education Instruction Committee). Bring receipt and/or ACA number to class. Review the instruction section of the ACA website, including course registration and reporting, course outlines, and insurance information.
Overall Health: Participants should be in good physical health and should be in condition to paddle for long hours. Class days are long, yet invigorating.
Overall Schedule: The first full day will focus on strokework, followed by video analysis. The following days we will be on the classroom initially, then on the river midday, and back to the classroom for video review every afternoon. Friday morning we are at the pool for roll instruction practice. Generally our class will run 8:30 am to 7 pm, and then you will be free for the remainder of the evening. Sunday we typically finish before 5 pm. These are rewarding but long days, so arriving rested is recommended.
Additional Costs: Typically students provide their own local transportation during class. Participants are expected to provide their own boats and gear, unless they make special arrangements in advance.
Meals: You will be responsible for all of your own meals. Please pack a lunch for each day plus any snacks you need to get you through the day and after the river. We often eat lunch on the river, so if you can pack your food in a small dry bag please do so. Also, don’t forget a water bottle.
Lodging: Most class meetings will take place at Crystal Springs (Zoo Town Surfers HQ), so you may find something nearby to be the most convenient location for lodging and camping. Camping is available for free at Crystal Springs. Minimizing travel time will improve the class considerably.
Cost: $395.00
2017 Class Dates: April 26-30. April 26 class meets at 6:00. All other days class meets from 9-5
For more information, please contact Jason Shreder (406) 370-4436